- The Cressi Cherokee Fast speargun is made with an anticorodal aluminum black frame with an integrated spear guide for easier reloading
- The Cherokee ergonomic handle is made of composite of plastic reinforced with fiberglass, two screws allow you to set a larger or smaller handle for you speargun
- The Cressi open muzzle feautres double speargun bands and a magnetic spear lock: as soon as the spear is put in place, it is held by two magnets mounted in a watertight aluminum barrel
- The Cherokee handle features a reversible side-safety mechanism and options for short or long sternal supports/ speargun butts
- Cressi's Fast version of the Cherokee Spearguns includes a reel with quick-release mounting bracket, no line included
- The speargun is setup with a 6mm shaft and (2) 14mm speargun bands